newspaper RINDELEHT - Estonian SS Legion
later re-named "DIE WEHRMACHT"
vehicles, cars, tanks, motorcycles, engines
late war illustrated, Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, Triest, North Italy, Adria
soldier/ front newspaper
DEUTSCHE LUFTWACHT - Ausgabe Modellflug
8393 SIGNAL No. Sp 14-1942 July SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8394 SIGNAL No. Sp 14-1942 July SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8396 SIGNAL No. Sp 16-1942 August SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8397 SIGNAL No. Sp 18-1942 September SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8398 SIGNAL No. Sp 19-1942 October SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8399 SIGNAL No. Sp 20-1942 October SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8400 SIGNAL No. Sp 20-1942 October SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8401 SIGNAL No. Sp 21-1942 November SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8402 SIGNAL No. Sp 21-1942 November SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8403 SIGNAL No. Sp 22-1942 November SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8404 SIGNAL No. Sp 23/24-1942 December SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: very good to good
8411 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 1-1940 (10.Oktober 1940) FIRST ISSUE Big war magazine, 32 pages, some colored pictures soldiers, France, condition: good to very good, rubbed spien, cuts
8413 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 3 (1.November 1940) Big war magazine, 32 pages, some colored pictures Prien Uboat, ships, sports, African POW, infantry storm, condition: good
8414 Anit Semitic WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 4 (10.November 1940) Big war magazine, 32 pages, some colored pictures Italians in Greece, steamer Latymer, Atlantic Wall, sketches, KdF, vacation, Jews Ostjuden, anit semitic, Palestine, condition: condition: long cut in spine, long cut in page face cover
8415 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 5 (20. November 1940) Big war magazine, 32 pages, Sturmboot storm boat, Grrece, Gedenkmünz Commemorative coin France, Arado 196, Heinkel ingenier,circus condition: good, taped cut in back face cover
8416 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 6 (1.Dezember 1940) Big war magazine, 32 pages, Coventry, Nachrichtentrupp, signs of differnet units, Feuerschutzpolizei, Luftschutz condition: good
8417 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 7 (10.Dezember 1940) Big war magazine, 32 pages, England Britain, French and Japanese troops, Küstenwachtschiff SM 74, Atlantic Wall, coast guard, condition: very good to good, spotty, small missing piece back front cover
8420 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 10 (10.Januar 1941) Big war magazine, 32 pages, Chruchill, Britain, Radfahrschwadron, bicycles, Pioniere, MP 40, condition: very good to good, spotty
8421 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 11 20.(Januar 1941) Big war magazine, 32 pages, Cavalry scouts, Kavalleriespähtrupp, Melder, messenger, Flak 88, soldiers photos, opera condition: very good to good, used
8422 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 12 (31.Januar 1941 Big war magazine, 32 pages, Fesselballons, ballons, soldiers condition: good, small missing piece on back face
8423 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 13 (10.Februar 1941) Big war magazine, 32 pages, Spähtrupp 10,5 cm Batterie, Pak anti tank gun, condition: very good to good, used
8424 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 14 (20.Februar 1941) Big war magazine, 32 pages, fieldpost women, Battle fo Hastings 1066 A.D., Atlantic Wall, Verdun memorial, soldiers condition: very good to good, used
8427 WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 17 (April 1941) Big war magazine, 112 pages, some colored pictures condition: good, rubbed spine with cuts and tapes
8429 INCOMPLETE - WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE without Cover pages (maybe No. 9 (Januar 1941) Big war magazine, 28 pages, soldiers, Pak anti tank condition: poor, missing cover pages
8430 INCOMPLETE - WESTFRONT Erinnerungsausgabe Juli 1940 Big war magazine, fully illustrated condition: missing pages, starting with pages 5, at least 8 pages missing
8501 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 1-1935 Oktober/November - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8502 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 2-1935/36 Dezember/Januar - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8503 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 3-1936 Februar/März - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8504 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 4-1936 April/Mai inclusive separate picture !, - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8505 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 5-1936 Juni/Juli - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8506 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 6-1936 August/September - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8508 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 8-1936/37 Dezember/Januar - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8509 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 9-1937 Februar/März inclusive "Mitteilungen an die Gefolgschaft der Dornier-Betriebe / Beilage zur Dornier-Post) - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8510 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 10-1937 April/Mai - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8511 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 11-1937 Juni/Juli inclusive separate print & "Mitteilungen an die Gefolgschaft der Dornier-Betriebe / Beilage zur Dornier-Post) - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8513 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 14-1937/38 Dezember/Januar inclusive separate print & "Mitteilungen an die Gefolgschaft der Dornier-Betriebe / Beilage zur Dornier-Post) - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8514 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 15-1938 Februar/März inclusive "Mitteilungen an die Gefolgschaft der Dornier-Betriebe / Beilage zur Dornier-Post) - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8515 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 17-1938 Juni/Juli inclusive "Mitteilungen an die Gefolgschaft der Dornier-Betriebe / Beilage zur Dornier-Post) - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8516 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 18-1938 August/September inclusive "Mitteilungen an die Gefolgschaft der Dornier-Betriebe / Beilage zur Dornier-Post) - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8518 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 2-1940 März/April inclusive Mitteilungen der Dornier-Betriebsgemeinschaft - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8519 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 4-1941 Juli/August - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8520 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 5-1941 September/Oktober - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8521 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 5-1942 September/Oktober - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: good, but cover pages separated
8524 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 2-1943 März/April - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8525 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 3-1943 Mai/Juni - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8526 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 4-1943 Juli/August - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good
8527 DIE DORNIER-POST No. 6-1943 November/Dezember - aircraft/ aviation magazines of the German company DORNIER, airplanes, engeneering, news etc. condition: very good to good, but long time in spine
9706 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 9-1941 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9707 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 10-1941 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very...
9708 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 11-1941 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9714 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 22-1941 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9715 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 23-1941 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9718 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 10-1942 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9720 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 3-1942 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: good, left...
9721 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 21-1942 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9722 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 3-1943 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9725 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 1-1943 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9727 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 3-1943 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9728 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 4-1943 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9734 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 11-1943 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
9735 DIE KRIEGSMARINE No. 12-1943 WWII/ Navy illustrated with information about the German Navy/ Kriegsmarine, U-Boot, ships, battles, seamen, Knight's cross holders etc. very informative (Die Kriegsmarine / Deutsche Marine-Zeitung)contents with many photos. Published with the support of the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, , condition: very good...
m2007/100 No. 6-1982 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/101 No. 4-1983 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/102 No. 9-1983 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/103 No. 11-1983 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/104 No. 12-1983 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/105 No. 2-1984 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/106 No. 3-1984 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/108 No. 11-1984 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/109 No. 5-1986 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/11 No. 1-1972 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/112 No. 11-1986 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/113 No. 12-1986 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/114 No. 6-1987 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/116 No. 9-1987 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/117 No. 10-1987 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/119 No. 12-1987 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/12 No. 1-1972 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/120 No. 1-1988 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/121 No. 2-1988 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/122 No. 3-1988 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/123 No. 4-1988 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/124 No. 5-1988 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/125 No. 6-1988 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/13 No. 3-1972 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/14 No. 5-1972 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/15 No. 8-1972 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/16 No. 11-1972 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/17 No. 10-1973 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/18 No. 2-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/19 No. 3-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/2 No. 2-1967 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/23 No. 6-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/24 No. 6-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/25 No. 7-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/26 No. 8-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, good, half missing back page
m2007/27 No. 9-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/28 No. 9-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/3 No. 3-1967 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/31 No. 11-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/32 No. 12-1974 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/33 No. 1-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/34 No. 2-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/35 No. 2-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/36 No. 3-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/37 No. 3-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/38 No. 4-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/39 No. 4-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/4 No. 4-1967 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/40 No. 5-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/41 No. 5-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/42 No. 6-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/43 No. 6-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/44 No. 7-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/45 No. 7-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/48 No. 9-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/49 No. 11-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/5 No. 5-1967 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/50 No. 12-1975 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/51 No. 1-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/52 No. 1-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/53 No. 2-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/54 No. 2-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/55 No. 3-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/56 No. 4-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/57 No. 4-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/58 No. 5-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/59 No. 12-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/6 No. 6-1967 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/60 No. 12-1976 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/61 No. 3-1977 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/62 No. 6-1977 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/63 No. 12-1977 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/64 No. 1-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/65 No. 2-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/66 No. 4-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/67 No. 6-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/68 No. 7-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/69 No. 8-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/7 No. 7-1967 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/70 No. 10-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/71 No. 11-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/72 No. 1-1979 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/73 No. 3-1979 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/74 No. 2-1979 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/75 No. 3-1979 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/76 No. 3-1979 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/78 No. 5-1979 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/79 No. 7/8-1979 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/8 No. 11-1967 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/80 No. 9-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/81 No. 12-1979 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/82 No. 12-1979 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/83 No. 1-1980 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/84 No. 3-1980 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/85 No. 4-1980 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/86 No. 7/8-1980 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/87 No. 11-1980 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/88 No. 12-1980 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/89 No. 1-1981 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/9 No. 12-1967 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/90 No. 4-1981 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/92 No. 9-1981 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/93 No. 10-1981 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/94 No. 12-1981 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/95 No. 1-1982 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/96 No. 2-1982 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/97 No. 3-1982 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/98 No. 4-1982 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/99 No. 5-1982 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good