11202 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 4972 3.April 1941 WWII, Über alles in der Welt movie, war, art, Narvik Norway, Der Deutsche Orden, German houses, Bulgarian art exhibition, Munich theater, colored page with photos of German landscape, horses, soldiers, copy for the Swedish HOTELL ANGLAIS condition: very good condition
11203 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 4976 29.Mai 1941 WWII, Schmuckblatt Telegramme Deutsche eichspost, Sweden, large articles, many photos, Vikings, Langemarck Studium, former copy for the Swedish HOTELL ANGLAIS condition: very good condition
11204 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 4997 19.März 1942 WWII, India, Indisches Mosaik, Hindu, Winter fights, art, soldiers, Kriegsmarine, German art Neue Deutsche Baugesinnung, fashion condition: good, with cuts,
11205 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 4999 16.April 1942 WWII, Hitler, field signs, Japans soldiers, Spanish art, Ukraine,Heinkel aircraft company, condition: very good to good, with cuts, spots
11206 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5000 30.April 1942 WWII, Luftwaffe, Offizier, Malta, Kriegsmarine, Schlamm Russia, colored double page women at work, condition: very good condition
11207 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5002 28.Mai 1942 WWII, Mannerheim, colored tank picture (art), NSKK art, Burma, Africa, culture,architecture condition: very good condition
11209 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5005 9.Juli 1942 WWII, Tobruk, Rommel, Africa, DAK, Liybia, artists art, Murmansk, art and war, condition: very good condition
11211 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5011 1.Oktober 1942 WWII, Stalingrad Russia, , Black Sea, Kriegsfestspiele Salzburg 1942, animals, condition: very good condition
11212 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5014 12.November 1942 WWII, Canal Coast soldiers, Leninggrad soldiers art, Gerhart HauptmannCrimea, art condition: very good condition
11213 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5019 21.Januar 1943 WWII, soldiers, year of the U boats, Ostia, Japan soldiers, German soldiers battles, condition: very good condition
11214 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5022 4.März 1943 WWII, Tunesia, DAK, Russia art soldiers, inclusive very rare paper that the magazine will be published monthly from Arpil 1st 1943, condition: very good condition
11215 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5023 18.März WWII, Stuka, tactical map, Nymphenbad Dresden, colored page with plant, condition: very good condition
11216 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5024 April 1943 WWII, inclusive extra paper sheet about the war shortage effecting the magazine, Russia Bolshevism, soldiers, Schlamm, Mont St. Michel, Karl Heinrich Waggerl, Wehrertüchtigun der germanischen Jugend, Youth at military education condition: very good condition
11217 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5026 Juni 1943 WWII, Europe, Hitler, colored prints of flowers condition: very good condition
11218 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5028 August 1943 WWII, Durnitor soldiers, artillery, Flak Eighty Eight, Russia, german art, Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung 1943 condition: very good condition
11219 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5029 September 1943 WWII, industry, Tiger tank photo, Jagd auf Uboote, Kriegsmarine, colored art, condition: very good condition
11220 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5031 November 1943 WWII, soldiers, Unternehmen Kos, Kuban Kertsch, Russia, NSB children, colored print of a German tank, Rudolf Lipus, condition: very good condition
5451 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG No. 4860 May 5 content: 44 pages, Viktor Emanuel III, King of italy, emperor of Ethopia, Mussolini Italy Germany, Axis, Fascistic Party, Prince of italy Humbert, Italian Youth, Roma, architecture, Dopolavoro, condition: very good to good ,size: 28,5 x 27,5 cm, oversized German illustrated with high quality photos on very...
5484 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG No. 4772 August 27 1936 content: 34 pages, eine deutsche Schatzkammer der deutschen Kunst, Die Frau bei den XI.Olympischen Spielen, Abschied von den Olympischen Spielen Berlin , Wunderwerk der Technik Brücken, Terror in Spanien, Zentralafrika soll drei grosse Binnenmeere erhalten, Ausmusterung der Pferde im Heer, Fort...
5485 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG No. 4782 November 5 1936 content: 36 pages, Mongolei, Die Woche des Deutschen Buches 1936, Schmuck und Edelgerät, Das unbekannte Meisterwerk, Die Deutschlandreise des italienischen Aussenministers, Bei den nationalen Befreiern in Spanien Franco, Zehn Jahre Gau Gross-Berlin ,. Mode, Festspiele in Bayreuth, condition: very good...
5486 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG No. 4784 November 19 1936 content: 36 pages, Helfer in der Not Feuerwehr, Von Schlüter bis zur Gegenwart, Kunst, Plastiken, Das neue Deutschland ehrt die Opfer der Bewegung, Bergsteiger im Kampf um den Elbrus, Klosterneuburg,Zar Nikolaus II Rasputin, Im bunten Rock Reiter, condition: very good to good, rubbed spine, with...