DIE BRENNESSEL, Third Reich satire magazine, printed 1931 - 1938
10733 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 40 14.Mai 1925 Zusammenrbuch des sowjetrussischen Arbeitsbetrugs, Für ein jüdisches Heer, Ein jüdischer Mordbube zum Tode verurteilt, Die Rede Adolf Hitlers in der großen Massenveranstaltung. condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10734 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 41 15.Mai 1925 Feindlicher Hohn auf Stresemanns Angebot, Die Angst vor dem Weltprogrom, condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10736 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 43 17./18. Mai 1925 Der Druck der Neuyorker jüdischen Börse, Abtretung französischer Besitzungen an Amerika, condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10737 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 51 28.Mai 1925 Ein Dawes-Diktat für Frankreich , Artikel "Mein Kampf" Gewerkschaften und Sozialdemokratie, ,inklusive Beilage Nationalsozialismus/Wirtschaftspoltik sowie Nationalsozialistische Jugendbewegung condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10738 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 52 29.Mai 1925 Der Prozeß des Regierungsrats chaeffer, Massenversammlung, condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10740 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 54 31.Mai/1.Juni 1925 Großkapitalistischer Dank an Herrn Severing, Rassenfrage ,inklusive Beilage Nationalsozialismus/Wirtschaftspoltik sowieWissenschaft/Kunst/Technik condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10741 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 55 3.Juni 1925 Freche marxistische Mannöver condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10742 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 56 4. Juni 1925 Englisch-Französische Einigung auf deutsche Kosten, Julius Streicher Der Stürmer advertisement condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10743 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 57 5.Juni 1925 Wie die Reichsbahn verschachert wurde. Jüdische Geldsackpolitik. Dawes-Plan condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10745 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 59 7./8. Juni 1925 Deutschlands Schicksals das Karthagos. ,inklusive Beilage Nationalsozialismus/Wirtschaftspoltik, Wissenschaft, Kunst, Technik condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10746 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 60 9.Juni 1925 Der Europäerhass der gelben Rasse condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10747 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 61 10.Juni 1925 Hauptangriffe auf die französische Marokkofront condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10749 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 63 13.Juni 1925 Die Abrüstungsnote, der größte Erfolg der Sozialdemokratie condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10750 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 64 14./15.Juni 1925 Der Sieg über die jüdische Hochfinanz über Stinnes, Adolf Hitler in Plauen ,inklusive Beilage Nationalsozialismus/Wirtschaftspolitik sowie Wissenschaft,Kunst, Technik condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10751 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 65 16.Juni 1925 Vor dem Staatsgerichtshof mit Stresemann condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10753 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 67 18.Juni 1925 Die deutsche Akademie unter jüdischer Führung condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10754 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 68 19.Juni 1925 Oesterreichs Verschacherung und der Verrat an Deutschland condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10755 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 69 20.Juni 1925 Zusammenbruch des Sicherheitsschwindels condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10756 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 70 21./22.Juni 1925 Stresemanns "Erfolg" Durchmarschrecht für Frankreich, Jüdischer Boykott deutscher Hotels ,inklusive Beilage Nationalsozialismus/Wirtschaftspolitik sowie Ringendes Deutschtum in aller Welt condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10757 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 71 23.Juni 1925 Frankreichs jüdische Anwälte in Deutschland condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10758 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 72 24.Juni 1925 Schacht als "unwissendes" Werkzeug der jüdischen Börse condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10759 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 73 25.Juni 1925 Ein Judenstaat in Sowjetjudäa condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10761 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 75 27.Juni 1925 Frankreichs Krise und das Marokkoabenteuer condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10762 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 77 30.Juni 1925 Bolschewistische Ermordung eines Nationalsozialisten condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10763 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 78 1.Juli 1925 Die Barmatgegner - ein Armekorps von Canaillen condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10764 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 80 3.Juli 1925 Weder Völkerbund, noch Sowjetjudäa condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10765 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 81 4.Juli 1925 Französisches Eingeständnnis der Kriegsschuld condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10766 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 82 5./6.Juli 1925 "Verantwortungsgefühl von Finanzgaunern der Wallstreet. including: Nationalsozialistische Jugendbewegung, Nationalsozialismus, Wirtschaftspolitik condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10767 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 83 7.Juli 1925 Der Sieg des Comité des Forges" condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10768 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 84 8.Juli 1925 Der Kreuzzug der Vaterländer condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10769 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 85 9.Juli 1925 Terror über die deutsche Freiheitsbewegung condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10770 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 87 11.Juli 1925 Jämmlicher Kuhhandel in der Amnestiefrage condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10771 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 89 14.Juli 1925 Neue Meuterei in der französischen Flotte, Adolf Hitler in Württemberg condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10772 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 90 15.Juli 1925 Die bolschewistische Verschwörung in Berlin condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10773 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 91 16.Juli 1925 Stresemanns Sieg über die Deutschnationalen condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
15192 DER OSTMARKBRIEF/DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF Ausgabe Ostmark Folge 7/8/9-1940 Juli/August/September German women - very good condition
16601 BRENNESSEL No. 16-1932 20.April - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16602 BRENNESSEL No. 15-1932 13.April - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16603 BRENNESSEL No. 14-1932 6.April - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16604 BRENNESSEL No. 13-1932 30.März - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16605 BRENNESSEL No. 12-1932 23.März - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16606 BRENNESSEL No. 11-1932 16.März - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16607 BRENNESSEL No. 10-1932 9.März - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16608 BRENNESSEL No. 9-1932 2.März - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16609 BRENNESSEL No. 8-1932 24.Februar - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16610 BRENNESSEL No. 21-1931 28.Oktober - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16611 BRENNESSEL No. 20-1931 21.Oktober - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16612 BRENNESSEL No. 19-1931 14.Oktober - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16613 BRENNESSEL No. 18-1931 7.Oktober - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16614 BRENNESSEL No. 17-1931 30.September - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16615 BRENNESSEL No. 16-1931 16.September - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16616 BRENNESSEL No. 23-1931 11.November - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16617 BRENNESSEL No. 24-1931 18.November - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16618 BRENNESSEL No. 25-1931 25.November - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16619 BRENNESSEL No. 26-1931 2.Dezember - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16620 BRENNESSEL No. 28-1931 16.Dezember - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16621 BRENNESSEL No. 30-1931 30.Dezember - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16622 BRENNESSEL No. 1-1932 6.Januar - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16623 BRENNESSEL No. 2-1932 13.Januar - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16624 BRENNESSEL No. 5-1932 3.Februar - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16625 BRENNESSEL No. 4-1932 27.Januar - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16627 BRENNESSEL No. 25-1932 22.Juni - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16628 BRENNESSEL No. 10-1931 24.Juni - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16629 BRENNESSEL No. 9-1931 10.Juni - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16630 BRENNESSEL No. 8-1931 1.Juninummer - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16631 BRENNESSEL No. 7-1931 Mai - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16632 BRENNESSEL No. 6-1931 1.Mainummer - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16633 BRENNESSEL No. 5-1931 15.April - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16634 BRENNESSEL No. 4-1931 1.Aprilnummer - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16635 BRENNESSEL No. 3-1931 März - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16636 BRENNESSEL No. 2-1931 Februar - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16637 BRENNESSEL No. 7-1932 17.Februar - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16638 BRENNESSEL No. 18-1932 4.Mai - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16639 BRENNESSEL No. 17-1932 27.April - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16640 BRENNESSEL No. 21-1932 25.Mai - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16641 BRENNESSEL No. 18-1937 4.Mai - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16642 BRENNESSEL No. 15-1931 2.September - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16643 BRENNESSEL No. 14-1931 19.August - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16644 BRENNESSEL No. 13-1931 5.August - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16645 BRENNESSEL No. 12-1931 22.Juli - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16646 BRENNESSEL No. 11-1931 8.Juli - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16647 BRENNESSEL No. 20-1932 18.Mai - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16648 BRENNESSEL No. 6-1932 10.Februar - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16649 BRENNESSEL No. 46-1933 13.November - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16650 BRENNESSEL No. 10-1933 8.März - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
8414 Anit Semitic WESTFRONT-ILLUSTRIERTE No. 4 (10.November 1940) Big war magazine, 32 pages, some colored pictures Italians in Greece, steamer Latymer, Atlantic Wall, sketches, KdF, vacation, Jews Ostjuden, anit semitic, Palestine, condition: condition: long cut in spine, long cut in page face cover
8443 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 28-1937 13.Juli Third Reich satire magazine anti semitic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8444 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 27-1937 6.Juli Third Reich satire magazine anti french and british illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8445 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 17-1937 27.April Third Reich satire magazine traffic ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8446 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 18-1937 4.Mai Third Reich satire magazine ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8448 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 20-1937 18.Mai Third Reich satire magazine ,12 pages , condition: very good to good, cut in back face
8449 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 21-1937 25.Mai Third Reich satire magazine anti bolshevistic illustrations, Guernica Spain illustration satire ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8450 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 22-1937 1.Juni Third Reich satire magazine anti bolshevistic, USA ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8451 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 50-1936 15.Dezember Third Reich satire magazine Ghost issue, Franco spain ghost, with anti semitic illustration ,12 pages , condition: with 2,5 cm cut in magazine
8452 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 12-1933 22.März Third Reich satire magazine Ritter von Epp, anti semitic illustrations, Poland and Gdansk Danzig ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8453 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 16-1937 20.April Third Reich satire magazine strike in French school " we wanna paid holidays", ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8454 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 19-1933 10.Mai Third Reich satire magazine Dollfuss Austria, French soldier, anti semitic, anti bolshevistic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8456 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 8-1937 23.Februar Third Reich satire magazine Stalin anti bolshevistic, one anti semitic illustration ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8457 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 7-1937 16.Februar Third Reich satire magazine Stalin anti bolshevistic/ anit semitic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8458 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 22-1933 31.Mai Third Reich satire magazine anti semitic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8459 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 10-1937 9.März Third Reich satire magazine anti bolshevistic cover, back face Soviet-paradise with anti semitic content ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8460 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 11-1937 16.März Third Reich satire magazine Stalin anti bolshevistic cover, Kaiser Otto and jewish press ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8463 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 3-1937 19.Januar Third Reich satire magazine anti semitic/ anit bolshevistic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8464 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 6-1937 9.Februar Third Reich satire magazine Stalin, anti bolshevistic/ anti semitic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8466 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 14-1937 6.April Third Reich satire magazine with two anti semitic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8467 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 12-1937 23.März Third Reich satire magazine with anti semitic/ anti bolshevistic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8468 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 17-1933 26.April Third Reich satire magazine with anit semitic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8469 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 25-1937 22.Juni Third Reich satire magazine anti semitic/ anti bolshevistic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8470 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 24-1937 15.Juni Third Reich satire magazine anti bolshevistic illustrations, Stalin ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8471 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 23-1937 8.Juni Third Reich satire magazine ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8472 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 38-1933 20.September Third Reich satire magazine Andreas Hofer Austria, Albert Einstein, many anti semitic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good
8473 DIE BRENNESSEL No. 32-1933 9.August Third Reich satire magazine anti semitic illustrations ,12 pages , condition: very good to good