1901 WWI print 1914/18- colored map Western Front France Belgium ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1905 WWI print 1914/18- Austrian Kaiser franz Joseph I. ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1908 WWI print 1914/18- Presidents of the Allied Forces ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1910 WWI print 1914/18- Cross of Saarburg photo ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1911 WWI print 1914/18- German Order in Belgium ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1912 WWI print 1914/18- german infrantry/ cavalry photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1913 WWI print 1914/18- Sea Battle Helgoland August 25. 1914 England ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1914 WWI print 1914/18- infantry photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1915 WWI print 1914/18- French Alpine soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1916 WWI print 1914/18- Cossacks cavalry horses ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1917 WWI print 1914/18- Order Announcement ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1918 WWI print 1914/18- Husar cavalry horse drawing by Paul Tschech ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1919 WWI print 1914/18- Airplanes bombs ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1920 WWI print 1914/18- Austro-hungarian soldiers photo by Balogh ,size: 46 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1921 WWI print 1914/18- serbian cavalry and camp ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1922 WWI print 1914/18- Artillery transport in serbian mountains drawing by Finetti ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1923 WWI print 1914/18- Zuaven french foreign soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1924 WWI print 1914/18- France Marne photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1926 WWI print 1914/18- Cathedral France Reims ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1927 WWI print 1914/18- Airplane observation ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1930 WWI print 1914/18- German Artillery/ Belgium soldiers photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1931 WWI print 1914/18- German Pioneers painting by Anton Hoffmann ,size: 46 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1932 WWI print 1914/18- English soliders under german fire ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1933 WWI print 1914/18- German headquarter Generals drawing by Fritz Koch-Gotha ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1934 WWI print 1914/18- soldiers german troops photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1936 WWI print 1914/18- Cossack patroullie drawing by Lutz Ehrenberger ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1937 WWI print 1914/18- Przembysl soldiers photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1938 WWI print 1914/18- newspaper articles Przembysl ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1939 WWI print 1914/18- covered Austrian troops photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1940 WWI print 1914/18- Fortress trenches etc. ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1941 WWI print 1914/18- Japan troops soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1943 WWI print 1914/18- Australia Adelaide mobilization soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1944 WWI print 1914/18- Fight in frenc village German soldiers painting by Jos. Andreas Sailer ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1945 WWI print 1914/18- Artillery horses drawing by Anton Hoffmann ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1946 WWI print 1914/18- German Announcement in Belgium ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1948 WWI print 1914/18- Germans in Mecheln soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1949 WWI print 1914/18- flight from Antwerpen drawing ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1950 WWI print 1914/18- German Cruiser drawing by P. Direnz ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1951 WWI print 1914/18- First Aid Train Lazarettzug ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1952 WWI print 1914/18- Medics dogs insured german soldiers drawing by Knut Hansen ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1953 WWI print 1914/18- Russian soldiers drawing by Paul Helwig ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1954 WWI print 1914/18- German soldiers drawing by Lutz Ehrenberger ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1955 WWI print 1914/18- Russian Cavalry Czar Nikolaus I. ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1956 WWI print 1914/18- German Soldiers drawing by Ernst Liebermann ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1958 WWI print 1914/18- Torpedo boats drawings by P. Direnz ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1960 WWI print 1914/18- Engish Cruiser LION ORION seamen ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1961 WWI print 1914/18- Austro-hungarian soldiers photo by perscheid ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1964 WWI print 1914/18- German Soldiers marsh on Warzaw Poland ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1965 WWI print 1914/18- map Galizien Hungary Karpathen ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1971 WWI print 1914/18- German Soldiers Reim trench painting by Andreas Sailer ,size: 46 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1972 WWI print 1914/18- photos airplane/ howitzer ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1973 WWI print 1914/18- MG vehicle german infantry drawing by Ernst Heims ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1974 WWI print 1914/18- Bzura German Soldiers drawing by Lutz Ehrenberger ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1976 WWI print 1914/18- German news 24.October 1914 ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1977 WWI print 1914/18- Argonner Wald winter photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1979 WWI print 1914/18- german sodliers photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1980 WWI print 1914/18- German Soldiers drawing by Lutz Ehrenberger ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1981 WWI print 1914/18- German Tropedo boats attack English ships drawing by Direnz ,size: 46 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1983 WWI print 1914/18- ammunition transport german soldiers drawing by Wennenberg ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1984 WWI print 1914/18- German U-Boot submarine drawing by Direnz ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1986 WWI print 1914/18- Russian & Trukish troops in Kaukasus drawing by Anton Hoffmann ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1987 WWI print 1914/18- English Cavalry versus Arabs drawing by Bruno Richter ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1988 WWI print 1914/18- German troops chase Russian soldiers drawing by Anton Hoffmann ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1989 WWI print 1914/18- map Eastern Front Poland Hungary Galizien ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1990 WWI print 1914/18- After the Battle soldiers dog battlefield Eastern front drawing by Haase ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1991 WWI print 1914/18- Warzaw german soldiers in Bzura fight drawing by Anton Hoffmann ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1992 WWI print 1914/18- map German trenches Dezember 1914 front line France ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1993 WWI print 1914/18- U-Boat U9 English Cruiser Aboukir Hogue Cressy painting by Hans Bohrdt ,size: 46 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1994 WWI print 1914/18- Arabs Turks painting by Bruno Richter ,size: 46 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1995 WWI print 1914/18- Russian soldiers in Karparth painting by Gino v. Finetti ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1996 WWI print 1914/18- artillery austro-hungarian troops ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1997 WWI print 1914/18- german soldiers photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1998 WWI print 1914/18- trenches soldiers photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
1999 WWI print 1914/18- english Machine Gun village ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
2000 WWI print 1914/18- German Generals ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
2002 WWI print 1914/18- Austro Hungarian Soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
2003 WWI print 1914/18- soldiers East Prussia photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
2004 WWI print 1914/18- Cruiser Breslau Hamideh Goeben ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
2006 WWI print 1914/18- Western Front trench ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
2008 WWI print 1914/18- battlefields photos ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
2009 WWI print 1914/18- English Monitors battle at Nieuport Algerian Cavalry in Furnes ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm - this print comes from the austrian book "Die grosse Zeit" Great War World War I
2010 WWI print 1914/18- Serbian bandits attacked by austro-hungarian Cavalry ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2011 WWI print 1914/18- Wilhelm II Citadell Kalimegdan Belgrad 1916 ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , good condition, but with water damage upper part, ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2012 WWI print 1914/18- German Torpedo Boat crew & English seamen 1916 drawing by Willy Stöwer ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2013 WWI print 1914/18- Turkish Airplanes at Suez Egypt ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , with bend at corner, ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2016 WWI print 1914/18- Phaleron Athen Akropolis Piräus Greece by Zeno Diemer ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2018 WWI print 1914/18- Lovcen 1916 austro-hungarian soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2019 WWI print 1914/18- Russia against austro-hungarian soldiers Toporoutz 1916 ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2020 WWI print 1914/18- Czartorysk 1916 Russia austro-hungarian soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2022 WWI print 1914/18- Bulgaria troops in Usküb drawing by Curt Schulz ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2025 WWI print 1914/18- France Height 192 Tahure Champagne German Soldiers paiting by Hans W. Schmidt ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , print with bend!, ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2027 WWI print 1914/18- Austro-hungarian medics mountains ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2028 WWI print 1914/18- Flabas Verdun France german soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2029 WWI print 1914/18- Italian soldiers austro-hungarian soldiers drawing by M.Ledelt ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper, small missing edge, ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2032 WWI print 1914/18- English Camel rider Gaza turkish machine guns drawing by Fritz Grotemeyer ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , with bend in the middle ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2035 WWI print 1914/18- Wilhelm II. Hindenburg 1918 Winterberg drawng by Hans W. Schmidt, ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2036 WWI print 1914/18- french civilians in church in german conquered territory ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2037 WWI print 1914/18- Austro-hungarian lazarett in Italy ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2040 WWI print 1914/18- German field artillery rides over english positions ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2041 WWI print 1914/18- German soldiers cover streets ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2042 WWI print 1914/18- Romanian refugees drawing by A. Reich ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper-, missing edges, ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2045 WWI print 1914/18- Kriegsanleihe advertisment ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2047 WWI print 1914/18- Austro-hungarian troops Italy 1917 drawing Max Tilke ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2048 WWI print 1914/18- German U-Frachtboot ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2051 WWI print 1914/18- Austro-hungarian troops storms romanian Isle Dinu ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2053 WWI print 1914/18- mine hole german soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2055 WWI print 1914/18- British Cvalry Diala Tigris Djebel-Hamrin turkish battlefield ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm torn edge ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2056 WWI print 1914/18- Torpedo boat painiting by Romin ,size: 57 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2058 WWI print 1914/18- Kurland german soldiers drawing by Karl Storch ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2059 WWI print 1914/18- Germans soldiers horses drawing by Fritz Bergen ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2060 WWI print 1914/18- artillery killed troops german airplanes ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper-, missing edges, ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2061 WWI print 1914/18- Russia Krosno Wislok germand & austro-hungarian soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , poor condition, ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2062 WWI print 1914/18- German artillery field ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2064 WWI print 1914/18- Helsingsfors German tropps parade soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2067 WWI print 1914/18- Meurthe german soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2068 WWI print 1914/18- Map Galizien Russia-Poland ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2070 WWI print 1914/18- German medics wounded soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2071 WWI print 1914/18- Bruxelles German troops soldiers city hall place ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2072 WWI print 1914/18- map France battlefield front line ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2073 WWI print 1914/18- Valjevo Austro-hungarian soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2074 WWI print 1914/18- Zeppelin Antwerpen painting by Morat ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2075 WWI print 1914/18- Przemysl 1915 Cavalry Division Berndt drawing by Schmidt ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2076 WWI print 1914/18- Mülhausen France african hunters 1914 german soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2078 WWI print 1914/18- Leutnant Mayer Vogese France first fallen soldier ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2080 WWI print 1914/18- German soldier artillery observer ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2082 WWI print 1914/18- Lodz December 1914 german sodliers drawing by Roloff ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2083 WWI print 1914/18- Vailly german soldiers drawing by Klein ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2085 WWI print 1914/18- France coast german airplanes drawing by Hans Schulze ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2087 WWI print 1914/18- map Russia Austria front 1914/15 ,size: 41 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2088 WWI print 1914/18- Warzaw German soldiers marsh ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2089 WWI print 1914/18- Turks El Kantara drawing by Hänel ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2091 WWI print 1914/18- Ostende Brügge German soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2092 WWI print 1914/18- Przemysl artillery austro-hungarian troops ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2093 WWI print 1914/18- map Russia Eastern Front ,size: 39 x 39 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2094 WWI print 1914/18- St. Juvin Infantry regiment No. 125 german soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2095 WWI print 1914/18- Kutno arrest of Warzaw's gouvernor Baron v. Korff ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2097 WWI print 1914/18- Zeebrügge Mine Search boat drawing by Stöwer ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2099 WWI print 1914/18- Vregny german soldiers storm ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2100 WWI print 1914/18- Ostbeskiden russian soiders ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , poor condition, ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2101 WWI print 1914/18- Brest-Litowsk polish refugees painting by Max Tilke ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2103 WWI print 1914/18- Flandern Belgium map ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2108 WWI print 1914/18- Jaslowier russian & austro-hungarian soldiers trench ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2109 WWI print 1914/18- austro-hungarian soldeirs Asiago ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2110 WWI print 1914/18- Alt German Cavalry November 1916 ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2112 WWI print 1914/18- Flandern Belgium German Soldiers rest by Rocholl ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2113 WWI print 1914/18- Flandern Belgium german soldiers storm ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2114 WWI print 1914/18- Belgrad ships austro-hungarian ships ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2115 WWI print 1914/18- Adamellogebiet italian soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2116 WWI print 1914/18- Ypern June 1916 english soldiers german attack ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2117 WWI print 1914/18- Verdun Heigth 304 France Turks german soldiers Verdun ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2119 WWI print 1914/18- Friedrich Ebert Berlin German Soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2120 WWI print 1914/18- pfalz austro - hungarian soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2122 WWI print 1914/18- Western Front german soldiers drawing by Willy Müller ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2123 WWI print 1914/18- German Cavalry drawing by hans Schmidt ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2124 WWI print 1914/18- France village destroyed german soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2126 WWI print 1914/18- English ship Warspite Skagerrak Mai 1916 German Ship König ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2128 WWI print 1914/18- Darialschlucht Kaukasus german soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2129 WWI print 1914/18- Wardar river Bulgarian soldiers drawing by Hugo Braune ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2131 WWI print 1914/18- Otranto South Italy english airfield ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2133 WWI print 1914/18- German Artillery soliders field canon drawing by Strasser ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2135 WWI print 1914/18- german soldiers sneek patrol ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2137 WWI print 1914/18- Grappa german soldiers frnch bodies drawing by Matjeko ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm poor condition, ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2138 WWI print 1914/18- English Steam ship attacked by german submarine U-Boot ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2140 WWI print 1914/18- English fleet in Wilhelmshaven December 1918 ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2141 WWI print 1914/18- Tilsit Tauroogen destroyed church ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2143 WWI print 1914/18- Bialowieska german soldier forrest battle ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2145 WWI print 1914/18- Ktesiphon English soliders attacked by Turks ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2146 WWI print 1914/18- Wardar bulgarian soldiers attack french soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2147 WWI print 1914/18- Communists in Munich Theresienwiese ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2149 WWI print 1914/18- Donau Armee Gallwitz October 1915 german soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2150 WWI print 1914/18- Ypern german soldiers Bixchote-Langemarck-Poelkapelle 1915 ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2151 WWI print 1914/18- Russian Cavalry Soldau 1914 ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2152 WWI print 1914/18- German Cavalry 1914 ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2153 WWI print 1914/18- Belgrad 1915 German soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2155 WWI print 1914/18- Avtovac Montenegro Bobija KuK soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2156 WWI print 1914/18- German soldiers battlefield artillery attack ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2160 WWI print 1914/18- map Moldau Eastern front ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2161 WWI print 1914/18- Ditostreet german attack 1917 ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2163 WWI print 1914/18- Arabia animal market desert ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2169 WWI print 1914/18- Smorgon russian POW german soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2171 WWI print 1914/18- Fleury Fort Souville Kuk soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2172 WWI print 1914/18- Italian Austrian Hungarian soldiers trench ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2173 WWI print 1914/18- Domidowka Dubno Kuk soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2174 WWI print 1914/18- russian Cavalry Tlumacz german soldiers July 1916 ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2175 WWI print 1914/18- Miadziolsee June 1916 russian trench german attack ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2177 WWI print 1914/18- Turin Italy stravation street fights riots ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2178 WWI print 1914/18- russian tanks german soldiers Tarnopol ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2179 WWI print 1914/18- Warneton wind mill artillery ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2181 WWI print 1914/18- Trnova Sarrail Army Cernabow ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2183 WWI print 1914/18- Steamer SUCHAN german submarine U-Boot ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2184 WWI print 1914/18- romanian guerillas Freischärler ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2186 WWI print 1914/18- Russian troops soldiers romanian front ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2187 WWI print 1914/18- winter sea ship Captain Commander seamen by Hassenkamp ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2189 WWI print 1914/18- Herzog Duke Joseph batlefield ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2191 WWI print 1914/18- russian Cruiser Pallada german U-Boot U 26 ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2192 WWI print 1914/18- Kase i Schirin russian soldiers ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2195 WWI print 1914/18- Deutschmeister Sokal storm ,size: 47 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2196 WWI print 1914/18- Gallipoli ANZAC troops Dardanellen Chanakkale ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2199 WWI print 1914/18- Warzaw russian retreat ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I
2201 WWI print 1914/18- Brest-Litowsk german soldiers ,size: 23,5 x 32,5 cm , printed on normal paper- ,this print comes from the german book "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges", printed 1914-1919, originial vintage print more than 100 years old Great War World War I