6731 No. 12-1941 - 4.Juni DIE WEHRMACHT content: Afrika DAK, Sollum,...
Preisliste der Heeres-Kleiderkasse 1939 (REPRINT) Katalog Kleiderkatalog...
0216 Map/Print- USA 46 States ! - No. #48 Vintage German Map Print...
0214 Map/Print- Africa Arabia Persia Sudan - No. #46 Vintage German...
0491 DER ADLER -No. 10 -1940 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air...
0480 DER ADLER -No. 15 -1940 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air...
0469 DER ADLER -No. 9 -1940 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air...
0498 DER ADLER -No. 15 -1940 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air...
0573 DER ADLER -No. 21 -1942 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air...
0577 DER ADLER -No. 19 -1942 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air...
No manufacturer
No supplier
6731 No. 12-1941 - 4.Juni DIE WEHRMACHT content: Afrika DAK, Sollum, Afrika Korps, Chamelion, Egypt border, Arabs tents, Skagerrak, battle ships, WWI, Luftwaffe rescue, Ägäis, Mmediterranean Sea German military WWII magazine condition: very good to good
Preisliste der Heeres-Kleiderkasse 1939 (REPRINT) Katalog Kleiderkatalog für Offiziere Heereskleiderkasse Bekleidung der Wehrmacht mit Uniformen und Ausrüstungsgegenständen mit Preisen in Reichsmark Vollständiger Inhalt: Uniformstoffe (Rocktuche, Hosentuche, Manteltuche, Besatztuche und Besätze) Mützen und Zubehör Ausrüstungsgegenstände (Schulterstücke...
0216 Map/Print- USA 46 States ! - No. #48 Vintage German Map Print 1902 size:26x34cm condition: good, old, printed 1902
0214 Map/Print- Africa Arabia Persia Sudan - No. #46 Vintage German Map Print 1902 size:26x34cm condition: good, old, printed 1902
0491 DER ADLER -No. 10 -1940 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: POW Brits in Germany, England WWII Britain England, Western Front, Bomber, Knight Cross, Greece condition: very good to good used condition
0480 DER ADLER -No. 15 -1940 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: England WWII Britain France industry destroyed Flak St. Malo Italy Luftwaffe Stuka Werner Mölders 25 victories condition: very good to good used condition
0469 DER ADLER -No. 9 -1940 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: England WWII Britain Norway Junkers Heinkel Oslo condition: very good to good used condition
0498 DER ADLER -No. 15 -1940 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: England WWII Britain France industry destroyed Flak St. Malo Italy Luftwaffe Stuka Werner Mölders 25 victories condition: very good to good used condition
0573 DER ADLER -No. 21 -1942 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Hauptmann Herrmann Graf Knight Cross with diamonds Stalingrad soviet Russia airplanes transport Knight Cross holder condition: very good to good used condition
0577 DER ADLER -No. 19 -1942 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Knight Cross Holder Oka Leaf Swords Diamonds Major Gordon Gollob tanks Stalingrad Russia Soviet England condition: very good to good used condition
0668 DER ADLER -No. 22 -1943 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Russia burning german cities SOS aviator at sea Smolensk Russia Luftschutz LS knight cross holder condition: very good to good used condition
0591 DER ADLER -No. 14 -1942 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Soviet Russia Africa Alaska USAOberstleutnant Marseille Knight Cross Holder Knight Cross Oak Leaf Sword Diamonds BV 141 Alaska Knight Cross holder condition: very good to good used condition
0677 DER ADLER -No. 25 -1943 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Russia Stukas destroyed planes soviet torpedos Crimea US pilots condition: good used condition
0610 DER ADLER -No. 3 -1942 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Junkers JU87 Soviet Russia Kriegstrauung War Wedding condition: very good to good used condition
0629 DER ADLER -No. 8 -1943 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Major Philipp Ladogasee Russia private life Oil condition: very good to good used condition
0621 DER ADLER -No. 11 -1943 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: England Kuban Russia paratrooper condition: very good to good used condition
0635 DER ADLER -No. 6 -1943 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Russia Soviet cigarettes Pan America Italy Regia Aeronatica condition: very good to good used condition
0696 DER ADLER -No. 20 -1941 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Soviet Russia Newka Arado Tundra desert knight cross holder condition: very good to good used condition
0689 DER ADLER -No. 18 -1941 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Endsieg Bodenpersonal soviet army Luftwaffe Russia Creml Kreml Moscov Atlantic britsh empire Slovakia slovakian Air Froce Knight Cross holder condition: very good to good used condition
0694 DER ADLER -No. 11 -1941 vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Africa desert Brits Dunkirk Dünkirchen at greek coast Greece syria Turkey map Belfast North Irleand Abbeville condition: very good to good used condition
0801 DER ADLER -No. 24 -1942 French edition/ edition francaise vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: Heinkel He 111 Kaukasus Russia Soviet Duce britsh Air Force Knight Cross Holder edition for Belgium, France,Portugal, Switzerland very good to good used condition
0848 DER ADLER -No. 20 -1940 Italian issue vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: England WWII Britain London map Ju88 Junkers issue for Italy/Hungary/Slovacia Italia/Ungheria/Slovacchia very good to good used condition
0840 DER ADLER -No. 22 -1940 Italian issue vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: England WWII Britain Molders Major Ace WWII England bomb raids Dornier Do 213 Mittelmeer Gibraltar Africa Ace Mölders Knigth Cross holders issue for Italy/Hungary/Slovacia Italia/Ungheria/Slovacchia very good to good used condition
0837 DER ADLER -No. 24 -1940 Italian issue vintage German Luftwaffe Magazine Air Force WW2 WWII - content: England WWII Britain spitfire italian army visit Luftwaffe Kommandogerät Kampfstaffel, advertisment Adler calendar Jahrbuch issue for Italy/Hungary Italia/Ungheria very good to good used condition
17211 DER ADLER ENGLISH issue No. 7-1942 April 32 pages, Africa front, fleet spotter, Blue Division Spain at Eastern Front, Feodosa, Australia, Knight's Cross, "Luftwaffe magazine, published under the auspices of the German Air Ministry Der Adler was a German Luftwaffe magazine, published from March 1939 through September 1944. It was also available...
0969 -No. H 23/24-1942 SIGNAAL / SIGNAL Holland Dutch - illustrated german magazine Russia, soldiers, Wehrmacht, Stalingrad, Africa, DAK 72 pages condition: good/very good
0991 -No. H 6-1942 SIGNAAL / SIGNAL Holland Dutch - illustrated german magazine Rommel Desert Fox Wehrmacht Africa DAK 48 pages condition: good/ front faces separated
2622 DIE WOCHE -No. 41-1938 WWII magazine - Special issue Sudetenland Mohravia Bohemia soldiers , 60 pages, ,german illustrated magazine, many photos ,condition: good
2680 DIE WOCHE -No. 49-1939 WWII magazine - WWII , 32 pages, ,german illustrated magazine, many photos ,condition: very good to good
2750 DER FLIEGER -No. 8-1943 - WWII german aviation magazine content: Heinkel He 111 US airplanes Junkers Ju 52 condition: good used condition eldest german aviation periodical
2752 DER FLIEGER -No. 10-1943 - WWII german aviation magazine content: Dornier Do 18 Napier-Heston ranks of the US and english, soviet Air Force Lateco ERE 631 Helicopter condition: good used condition, bend in front cover face eldest german aviation periodical
2732 DER FLIEGER -No. 1-1941 - WWII german aviation magazine content: Messerschmitt Me 109 , Dornier Do 125, Curtiss Hurricane Boeing Ju 87 , Junkers Stuka advertisment condition: good used condition eldest german aviation periodical
2740 DER FLIEGER -No. 1-1942 - WWII german aviation magazine content: (No. on cover shows 1-1941, but it is in fact 1-1942 !!! Dornier Arado Condor Udet Mölders condition: good used condition eldest german aviation periodical
6780 No. 24-1941 - 19.November DIE WEHRMACHT content: Sturmboot, Russia, Tobruk Africa DAK, Borodino Crimea ,November 19 1941 German military WWII magazine condition: very good to good
6779 No. 24-1941 - 19.November DIE WEHRMACHT content: Sturmboot, Russia, Tobruk Africa DAK, Borodino Crimea ,November 19 1941 German military WWII magazine condition: very good to good
6823 No. 4-1939 - 15.Februar DIE WEHRMACHT content: motorccles, Italy, vehicles, Volkswagen Beetle, Luftgaue, USA plans to attack Japan, spoprts, military orphanage, mountain artillery German military WWII magazine condition: very good to good
6913 No. 16-1939 - 2.August DIE WEHRMACHT content: 25 years WWI, huge report WWI, many photo, Grossadmiral U-Boot, submarines German military WWII magazine condition: very good to good
6936 No. 19-1940 - 11.September DIE WEHRMACHT content: England, bombers, bomb raids, Albion, Africa, Libya, Italy, Oran, Blücher Cruiser, Nachrichtenhelferin, conquered allied equipment German military WWII magazine condition: very good to good
6928 No. 17-1940 - 14.August DIE WEHRMACHT content: England, Channel, bomb raids, Maginot Linie France, Sani, Medic, Alps, Italy, U-Boot education, scholl submarine German military WWII magazine condition: very good to good
6811 No. 11-1942 - 20.Mai DIE WEHRMACHT content: Italy Britain, Airplanes, Soviet Tanks , Russia, attack on USA strategy, May 20 1942 German military WWII magazine condition: very good to good
6924 No. 16-1940 - 31.Juli DIE WEHRMACHT content: Brauchitsch Generalfeldmarschall, Maginot Line, France, Elsac, Chnalle, Chemin des Dames, Berlin Germany Victory parade, England vs. Italy German military WWII magazine condition: very good to good
6420 DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF No. 12 -1936 - 3rd year, December Richard Wagners unsterbliches Vermächtnis, Friede auf erden, die Ewigkeit des Volkes, Tatglaube, nicht Wortglaube!, den Frieden wollen, heißt ihn sichern können!, Völkischer Lebenswille und Wehrkraft, Deutschlands Schwäche - Europas Unglück, Aufstieg und Verfall Spaniens (DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF DER...
6568 DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF No. No. 4 -1935 - 2nd year April Zum 20.April 1935, Germanische Kultur der Bronzezeit, Was jeder Deutsche wissen muss, Bayern und reich
6477 DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF No. 11 -1938 - 5th year, November Um Blut und Boden Zweiter Teil: Großzügigkeit und Schwäche, Von der Muttererde, Besiegt Nahrungsnot, Warum Reichsnährstand?, Gustav Ruhland, Blut und Boden in Zahlen, Das Programm der NSDAP wird erfüllt (DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF DER NSDAP - Reichsschulungsamt der NSDAP und der Deutschen Arbeitsfront)...
6508 DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF No. 8 -1939 - 6th year, August Unsere Kolonien: Deutschlands koloniale Forderung, Das Recht auf Kolonien, Kolonien - Begriff und Entwicklung, Neue Kolonialpolitik, Sinngebung des kolonialen Gedankens, Deutsche Kolonialbewegung heute, Unsere Kolonien, , Unser Kampf gegen die Kolonialschuldlüge, Die Entwicklung unserer Kolonien...
6452 DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF No. 4 -1938 - 5th year, April Überstaatliche Volksgemeinschaft: Die große Einheit, Überstaatliche Volksgemeinschaft,Zusammenschluß, Hndert Millionen, Deutscher merk dir das, drawing by Mjölnir (DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF DER NSDAP - Reichsschulungsamt der NSDAP und der Deutschen Arbeitsfront) , condition: long cut in spine, but all in...
6471 DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF No. 10 -1938 - 5th year, October Um Blut und Boden: Vom Odalsrecht zum Reichserbhofsgesetz, Vorkämpfer gegen die Leibeigenschaft. Nationalsozialistische Agrarpolitik, Die deutsche Erzeugerschlacht, (DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF DER NSDAP - Reichsschulungsamt der NSDAP und der Deutschen Arbeitsfront) , condition: very good
6565 DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF No. 10 -1935 - 2nd October Bückeberg, Freiheit einst und jetzt, Karl Widukind, Deutscher merk dir das, Oberland , condition: very good
6563 DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF No. 2 -1935 - 2nd year, February Aus Horst Wessel's Tagebuch, Der Kampf um die deutsche Vorgeschichte, Was jeder Deutsche wissen muss, Der Ruhreinbruch , condition: very good
6564 DER SCHULUNGSBRIEF No. 9 -1935 Sonderheft Reichsparteitag - 2nd year September Nürnberg 1935, Nürnberg 1643, Nürnberg 1933, Reichstage der deutschen Revolution, Nürnbger 1935, Wikinger, Chamberlain, der deutsche, Der Hitlerprozess , condition: very good to good
3052 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER No. 52-1930 - December 27 , content: condition: 100% authentic, no copy
3097 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER Jews No. No. - 49-1930 Illustrierter Beobachter vintage illustrated magazine , content: Tornado over Germany, WWI soldier missing soldier archive in Berlin, jews, anti semitic cartoon, gas alarm training, Mein Kampf adWiesbaden demonstration, westmark, SA, Hitler in Kaiserslautern, condition: goodto poor condition, cuts,...
4330 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER WWII No. 30-1943 - July 29 vintage illustrated magazine , content: Duce Mussolini Italia, Nebelwerfer condition: good, 100% authentic, no copy
4123 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER WWII No. 23-1941 - June 5 vintage illustrated magazine , content: Greece Peloponnes, Fallschirmjäger in Greece, Saloniki, soldiers wehrmacht, italian-german soldiers , condition: good, yellowed, spotty, 100% authentic, no copy
4114 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER WWII No. 14-1941 - April 3 vintage illustrated magazine , content: Prien U-Boot, Luftwaffe over England, Oase Kufra, condition: very good to good, 100% authentic, no copy
4122 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER Jew Albert Einstein, WWII No. 22-1941 - May 29 vintage illustrated magazine , content: Greece english troops retreat, Albert Einstein, BDM sports, madel, condition: cut out 627/628, good condition, spooty rubbed spine, yelowed spine, 100% authentic, no copy
4121 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER Waffen-SS Greece WWII No. 21-1941 - May 22 vintage illustrated magazine , content: Greece Epirus Army, England Tobruk Africa front, Waffen-SS Fallschirmjäger Korinth Greece, Peleponnes, Blitzmädel Blitzmadel condition: good, yellowed, 100% authentic, no copy
4113 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER WWII No. 13-1941 - March 27 vintage illustrated magazine , content: Führer in Austria, Japan soldiers, sunken oil tanker, deutsche Gebirgsjäger, women helps condition: small cut outs page 379/380, good, 100% authentic, no copy
4120 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER SS Greece WWII No. 20-1941 - May 15 vintage illustrated magazine , content: Greece SS Thermophylen Korinth, Sepp Dietrich LAH Epirus- Macedonian front, Japan soldiers, Belgrad, KdF dancing, condition: very good to good, spotty, 100% authentic, no copy
4124 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER Jews WWII No. 24-1941 - June 12 vintage illustrated magazine , content: U-Boot Atlantic, Duce Mussolini Brenner meeting with Führer, Jews behind walls Krakau Krakow Poland, Greece, wenglish tropps fled, german youth in Italy, condition: good, spotty, dog ears, 100% authentic, no copy
4433 ILLUSTRIERTER BEOBACHTER WWII No. 33-1944 - August 17 vintage illustrated magazine , content: Organisation Todt, Albert Speer, Rusisa tanksm,Hitler, twins, wounded soldier, cartoon England Churchill V1, condition: very good to good, 100% authentic, no copy
m2007/66 No. 4-1978 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
2007225 No. 5-2002 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/94 No. 12-1981 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
m2007/5 No. 5-1967 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
2007226 No. 6-2002 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
2007229 No. 12-2002 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
2007223 No. 1-2002 DER FREIWILLIGE - Waffen-SS veteran magazine - WWII reports, veteran meetings, history, dead comrades, army, military, front stories condition: used, very good to good
7988 SIGNAL No. D 2-1943 GERMAN issue SIGNAL German issue - illustrated german magazine Wehrmacht soldiers, grave Katin Poland bodies, condition: very good to good condition
7965 DIE KAMERADSCHAFT No. 13-1939 Ausgabe - 5.April Wir fordern Kolonien, 24 pages plus separate print condition: very good to good *** The magazine ""DIE JUNGENSCHAFT – Blätter für Heimabendgestaltung im Jungvolk” was a propagandistic magazine for , the German Youngsters in the Hitler Youth (Deutsches Jungvolk in der Hitler Jugend or ""DJ"",...
7945 DIE KAMERADSCHAFT No. 17-1936 - 23.September Hitler-Jungen hinterm Pflug, 16 pages DIE KAMERADSCHAFT - Blätter für Heimabendgestaltung der Hitler-Jugend condition: very good to good *** The magazine ""DIE JUNGENSCHAFT – Blätter für Heimabendgestaltung im Jungvolk” was a propagandistic magazine for , the German Youngsters in the Hitler...
8326 SIGNAL No. F 7-1940 July FRANZÖSISCH/FRENCH issue battles, soldiers, Wehrmacht, battle of France condition: very good to good
8352 SIGNAL No. Sp 12-1941 Juni SPANISCH/SPANISH Greece, ships, tanks, Wehrmacht, soldliers condition: good, last two pages with cuts, missing piece back face
8367 SIGNAL No. Sp 20-1941 October SPANISCH/SPANISH Russia, soldier Wehrmacht ships condition: very good to good
8378 SIGNAL INCOMPLETE No. Sp 5-1942 March SPANISCH/SPANISH condition: INCOMPLETE, one missing page 23/24,
9110 WWI print map 1914/15 France South battelfields size: 54 x 32 cm folded , condition: very good / Original print from the World War I time, printed 1914-1918
10768 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 84 8.Juli 1925 Der Kreuzzug der Vaterländer condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10766 Kampfzeit VÖLKISCHER BEOBACHTER No. 82 5./6.Juli 1925 "Verantwortungsgefühl von Finanzgaunern der Wallstreet. including: Nationalsozialistische Jugendbewegung, Nationalsozialismus, Wirtschaftspolitik condition: good used condition, please see pictures for further details
10519 Poster Division Azul Russia 1941 motorcycles Russia 1941 size 41.5 x 29 cm, looks great in a frame
11216 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 5024 April 1943 WWII, inclusive extra paper sheet about the war shortage effecting the magazine, Russia Bolshevism, soldiers, Schlamm, Mont St. Michel, Karl Heinrich Waggerl, Wehrertüchtigun der germanischen Jugend, Youth at military education condition: very good condition
11204 ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG LEIPZIG No. 4997 19.März 1942 WWII, India, Indisches Mosaik, Hindu, Winter fights, art, soldiers, Kriegsmarine, German art Neue Deutsche Baugesinnung, fashion condition: good, with cuts,
14195 STUTTGARTER ILLUSTRIERTE No. 30-1943 28.Juli Mussolini Duce, Luftwaffe condition: very good, used
14230 STUTTGARTER ILLUSTRIERTE No. 29-1944 19.Juli female Luftwaffe light, Ritterkreuzträger, art, soldiers condition: good, used
15226 DIE WOCHE No. 27-1942 8.Juli DAK Deutsches Afrikakorps, Northafrica - good condition, with small cuts
15233 KRAFTHAND No. 3-1943 16.Januar Kettenkrad Dak Northafrica Deutsches Afrikakorps, BWM, engines, Gengas, Kraftfahrzeug Handwerk (Krafthand) was the official magazine for all kind of vehicle/ car repair, craft, engineering, enginges, motorcycles, military vehicles, etc., with interesting advertisements ! - very good used condition
16442 September 9-1939 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 40 pages, condition: very good, used
16446 Januar 1-1940 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16448 Februar 2-1940 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16449 März 3-1940 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16451 Februar 2-1941 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16453 April 4-1941 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16454 Mai 5-1941 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16455 Juni 6-1941 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16456 Juli 7-1941 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 16 pages, condition: very good, used
16460 Dezember 12-1941 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16466 August 8-1942 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16473 November/Dezember 11/12-1943 DER PIMPF - Nationalsozialistische Jungenblätter 20 pages, condition: very good, used
16609 BRENNESSEL No. 8-1932 24.Februar - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16614 BRENNESSEL No. 17-1931 30.September - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16615 BRENNESSEL No. 16-1931 16.September - weekly NS satire magazine, printed 1931-1938, by Franz Eher Verlag, color covers, often with anti semitic illustrations and attacks on political enemies. All pages shown. Very good news used condition.
16583 SIGNAL D No. 2-1942 Deutsch/ German , all pages shown, "very good used condition, middle page off binding "
16906 DAS DEUTSCHE MÄDEL - Ausgabe Mittelland No. 8-1939 August condition: very good to good
17818 Die Weite Welt No. 46-1939 12.November WWII Hitler, Kriegsmarine Uboat Flak Wehrmacht , 4 pages, very good to good condition
17874 HILF MIT ! - late color page ca. 1943 Kohlenklau , This is an extra page that was added to an issues of the school magaine "Hilf mit!"
17876 HILF MIT ! No. 4/6-1943/44 Januar-März - 8 pages, complete, school year October 1943 through September 1944
17823 HILF MIT ! No. 3-1936 Dezember - 32 pages, complete, school year October 1936 through September 1937 - Biggest illustrated magazine for pupils. The issues often contain interested articls, animals, riddles, war, youth related reports, photos, history etc. Very good used condition. For details please see the photo.
18412 DAS DEUTSCHE MÄDEL No. 5-1938 Ausgabe Hessen-Nassau , very good used condition
18415 DAS DEUTSCHE MÄDEL No. 9-1938 Ausgabe Hessen-Nassau , very good used condition
18413 DAS DEUTSCHE MÄDEL No. 6-1938 Ausgabe Hessen-Nassau , very good used condition
18416 DAS DEUTSCHE MÄDEL No. 10-1938 Ausgabe Hessen-Nassau , very good used condition
18435 DAS DEUTSCHE MÄDEL No. 7-1940 Reichsausgabe , very good used condition
18448 DAS DEUTSCHE MÄDEL No. 8-1941 Reichsausgabe , very good used condition